Equipping Baptists International, Inc
Proclaiming Christ and supporting Baptists internationally

Terms of use

In these Terms, 'we', 'us', 'our' and 'EBI' refer to Equipping Baptists International, Inc.


The content of this web site, including text, images, audio, video and graphics is owned by Equipping Baptists International, Inc., or licensed for use by us. You may access the content of this site for personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of the content, including without limitation mirroring, rebroadcasting or retransmitting, publishing or storing, is prohibited without the express written consent of Equipping Baptists International, Inc.


This web site may link to other web sites not under the control of Equipping Baptists International, Inc. We assume no responsibility for the content of such sites. Any beliefs, opinions, policies, or other content of such sites do not necessarily reflect the views of Equipping Baptists International, Inc. Furthermore, the content of such external sites may change without notification, and may differ from that in existence at the time a link was established.

Links from other sites to us are permitted. We do not guarantee that any page on this site will remain available. Linking to this web site in such a way that it is (for example) encapsulated in frames, presented with an overlay or banner, or is otherwise presented in conjunction with accompanying material, is considered 'republishing' and is prohibited per the Copyright section of these Terms.


Use of this site is entirely at your own risk. Equipping Baptists International, Inc. assumes no liability whatsoever for your use of it, nor for any consequences that arise from your use of it. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your use complies with all applicable laws. Expenses associated with accessing this site, including but not limited to internet access fees and operator data charges, are the responsibility of the viewer and not of Equipping Baptists International, Inc. This site does not provide financial, tax or legal advice. You are advised to consult a qualified professional regarding these matters.

Privacy policy

Our web servers log usage of this site, including the IP address of clients. This information is used in aggregate form to improve the performance and content of the site. We use 'cookies' to store user preferences and to facilitate site navigation, but do not 'track' users as they navigate within the site, nor do we make our cookies accessible to other sites, or access cookies created by other sites. We do not use 'beacons'.


By accepting these Terms, you agree that Collin County, State of Texas shall have jurisdiction over any and all legal matters concerning this site.


Icons - Double-J design
Images - Adam Borowski, Paul Paladin, Steve Coutts, Ernesto Andrade